About Pradeep Walia


Bringing Healthcare to the "forgotten billions"

Pradeep Walia's vision extends beyond the boundaries of conventional medical care into the heartlands of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Under his leadership, Artelus has become a beacon of hope for the "forgotten billions" who lack basic healthcare services.

This commitment is not merely about creating technology; it's about transforming lives. In regions where even the most basic medical infrastructure is a luxury, Pradeep has spearheaded the deployment of portable, AI-driven diagnostic tools that bring critical healthcare services directly to the people.

Artelus' flagship innovations, such as the DRISTi system, are designed to operate in low-resource settings, enabling early detection of potentially blinding diseases like diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma with just a simple scan. These technologies are not just medical devices. they are lifelines that connect underserved communities to the possibility of a healthier future.

Each device that Pradeep introduces to these communities represents a profound statement - healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Pradeep's initiatives also focus on empowering local healthcare workers through training and support, turning them into instrumental figures in their communities.

They are equipped not only with the tools but also with the knowledge to make a difference. This sustainable model ensures that the impact of his work continues to grow, fostering a self-sufficient healthcare environment even in the remotest areas.

By focusing on these underserved populations, Pradeep Walia isn't just addressing immediate healthcare needs—he's building the foundation for a healthier tomorrow, where no one is left behind. His work reminds us that in the face of global health challenges, innovation combined with compassion can indeed change the world.

pradeep walia - Bringing Healthcare to the "forgotten billions"


What We Do

Innovative AI Screening Solutions

Artelus leverages deep learning algorithms to develop primary screening solutions for diabetic eye disease. Their technology focuses on early detection to prevent the progression of the condition.

Advanced Diagnostics in Ophthalmology

The company's AI-driven diagnostics involve the segmentation and grading of retinal images to provide a comprehensive analysis of the retinal condition, aiding in the accurate diagnosis and management of eye diseases.

Research and Development

Artelus is actively involved in research, with papers presented at international conferences such as ATTD and AAO. Their R&D team is dedicated to innovating and improving the accuracy of primary screening solutions for eye conditions.

Global Healthcare Impact

With a vision to impact global healthcare, Artelus is not only recognized in India but also on an international scale. They are involved in developing AI solutions that can be scaled and implemented across different healthcare systems.


World AI Show Conference

Pradeep Walia discuss AI in Healthcare

World AI Show Conference


Preventing Preventable Blindness

From the humble streets of Calcutta to the cutting-edge laboratories of Silicon Valley, Pradeep Walia’s story is one of profound resilience and relentless ambition. Born into a family where resources were scarce but dreams were plentiful, Pradeep's early life was marked by a fierce determination to rise above the circumstances that surrounded him.

His journey began with a single, defining moment - the loss of a beloved family member to a preventable disease. This tragedy was the catalyst for his life's mission - to ensure that no one else would suffer as his family had. Armed with nothing but a relentless drive and a heart full of hope, Pradeep embarked on a quest that would take him across oceans and into the heart of the technology world.

Each step was fraught with challenges. In his early days in America, he survived on little more than his wits and the generosity of strangers. He started his journey there with only $20 in his pockets. Yet, even as he navigated the complexities of a new culture and the rigors of academic excellence, his resolve never wavered.

He studied by day, worked by night, and dreamt of a future where technology could bridge the gap between life and death. Pradeep's achievements are not just a testament to his own perseverance but a beacon of hope for those who dare to dream big.

His story is not just about the success of a man who made it against all odds but a reminder of the transformative power of empathy, determination, and the human spirit. As he continues to lead the charge in healthcare innovation, Pradeep Walia remains guided by the memories of his past—a past that fuels his commitment to changing the future, one life at a time.

Pradeep Walia - Preventing Preventable Blindness


Instant diagnosis in less than 10 seconds.

Artelus's portable fundus camera, combined with its advanced AI technology, offers a revolutionary approach to diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy. With its automatic 3D tracking, focusing, and image capture capabilities, the device simplifies the process to a mere two-click operation. The integrated AI, boasting a high sensitivity of 96%, swiftly analyzes the captured images and segments pathology, grading the level of diabetic eye disease within seconds.

About Pradeep Walia


Empowering communities, one vision at a time.


Bringing Healthcare to the "Forgotten Billions"

The foundational ethos of Pradeep Walia is encapsulated in his forward-thinking vision: Leveraging state-of-the-art Deep Learning architectures
to democratize healthcare for the "Forgotten Billions".

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